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Wolf Info
Wolf Recovery Info

Red wolf
Mexican wolf
Yellowstone gray wolf
Idaho gray wolf
Re-introduced or translocated
Re-introduced from captive wolves
Re-introduced from captive wolves
Translocated wolves from the wild in British Columbia and Alberta, Canada
Translocated wolves from the wild in British Columbia and Alberta, Canada
First re-introduction or translocation
September, 1987
March, 1998
January, 1995
January, 1995
# of wolves initially released
8 (4 pairs)
14 in 3 packs
15 dispersal-aged individuals
Initial release site
Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge in Northeastern, North Carolina
Apache National Forest in Arizona
Yellowstone National Park in Montana and Wyoming
Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness in Central Idaho
First release
Endangered Species Act status
Endangered - non-essential / experimental
Endangered - non-essential / experimental
Endangered - non-essential / experimental, proposal for de-listing is currently being planned 2008
Endangered - non-essential / experimental, proposal for de-listing is currently being planned 2008
Target number of wolves
220 in wild
300 in captivity
100 in wild
300 in captivity
Additional translocations have been cancelled due to the pace of population establishment exceeding projections
Additional translocations have been cancelled due to the pace of population establishment exceeding projections
# of wolves currently in the wild and in captivity (2006)
Estimated 100 in wild
165 in captivity
Estimated ~52 in wild
310 in captivity
Estimated 371 in wild
Estimated 713 in the wild
# of founding wolves for entire population
Not applicable
Not applicable
Successful reproduction in the wild
Within the first year
Within the first year
Within the first year
Within the first year

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